Earths Beauty

Look deep into nature, and you will
understand everything better.

Doing something with Soul, Creativity, or Love -Meraki

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Learn More about the Photographer:

Steve Erickson

As a Photographer I started in maybe an unusual way.

Born in SW Denver I have had access to “The Wild” my entire life. Along with the access and a vivid imagination fueled by some great books like the Hobbit and Gulliver’s Travels I started very young trying to find what I could “Out There”. This led to finding old cars in revines, Abandon Houses and yes a lot of different types of wild life. 

Wildlife is what changed my passion from finding a dwarf named Gimley into reality. Seeing a deer gracefully run across a field or hear a wild turkey gobble Even the Rut as an elk call for a loved one in the early hours before sunrise led to the desire to see them in their wilderness and not on the side of the road. So, I learned how to track animals (More importantly follow the tracks back once I got lost) and as a result started getting some results… like finding a black bear!It created some great stories to share with friends but by the 5th or even 10th story nobody wanted to believe me, as a result the photographer’s side of me started. Mind you the pictures started out being blurry dots of unrecognizable animals but later they became Apex predators like a cinnamon-colored black bear looking for food. Lately as I get back into the wilderness I started looking up from the tracks and have seen some incredible views of the world and so the next iteration is Landscape photography. What is next I am not sure but first I hope you enjoy what I have, and I welcome any and all constructive feedback.

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